I Am #ActuallyAutistic, Hear Me Tweet: The Autist-Topoi of Autistic Activists on Twitter
Ruth Osorio, Old Dominion University
Can We Really Call Bullshit?: Bullshit, Anti-Intellectualism, and the Need for Vulnerability in Rhetoric
centos7搭建shadowsock, Texas A&M University–Central Texas
Mapping as/and Remembering: Chora/graphy as a Critical Spatial Method-Methodology
April OBrien, Sam Houston State University
The Needle and the Bird: Modeling Invention, Delivery, and Seriality in Webcomics
Erin Kathleen Bahl, Kennesaw State University
Age Identity and Literacy
Lauren Marshall Bowen, University of Massachusetts Boston
Like Frost on a Windowpane: On the Pluriversal Possibilities of Spacetime
David Grant, University of Northern Iowa
Synthetic Speech and Negotiation: AI’s Nonhuman Rhetoric
Alex Reid, State University of New York at Buffalo
Herstory: Conversations with Feminist Scholars in Academia
Mare Grohowski, Southern New Hampshire University
Review of Scot Barnett's Rhetorical Realism: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Ontology of Things
Trevor C. Meyer, Northwest Missouri State University
centos7手动搭建shadowsocks服务,支持aes-256-gcm ...:2021-3-20 · 手动搭建Shadowsocks的教程特别多,但是好多教程都不支持aes-256-gcm加密,所伡才想把自己搭建ss的过程分享出来。并不想将就用aes-256-cfb,可能是因为强迫症的缘故吧,两种加密实际体验可能没有太大的区别。
Ben Wetherbee, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
教程:搬瓦工Conetos 7 任何版本命传安装Shadowsocks ...:2021-3-20 · 大家好,从之前的写《搬瓦工Centos 6 64 BBR版本命传安装Shadowsocks》教程伡来,Q群里来了很多工友,有的工友对命传是很陌生的,而且对服务器操作来说也是有难度的,但是为了让大家都用上SS,我在群里都给大家做了解答,有的时候也用Teamview给大家远程,但是Teamview个人版本是有连结限制的,所伡到 ...
Matt Breece, University of Texas at Austin